Thank you for your interest in my services. I ‘urge’ you to visit my web site, There you’ll see recent Client Testimonials, learn the difference between Wholesale vs. Retail rates and costs, and see my background.
I’m a Personal Loan Broker helping my Clients obtain home Purchase & Refinance Loans throughout the Pacific Northwest. I waive all my office’s fees for my clients, and all of the loans I acquire will be starting at near Wholesale levels. Also, as an independent Broker, you’ll have many advantages in obtaining a loan through me. For example; I have the ability to participate in the cost of your loan and beat most lender’s quotes that you may receive…usually saving my Clients Thousands…so if you have a quote from a different Lender, please don’t forget to compare my pricing…
I have a large following of both Realtors, and Past Clients, who know me as the Personal Loan Broker who will not only find very inexpensive home loans, but will provide an extremely fast turn-time, and daily hands-on personal service. Once again, please visit my web site, and call (360) 606-9085 so that I can help you see what your options are.
WA Lic #510-LO-34388
nmls id 114802